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Why choose me to advise you about your business?

Solving business problems for over 20 years

I’m aware that business consultants have a poor reputation. You may be expecting a young person in a sharp suit who charges a fortune to tell you that water is wet.

You might also be worried that your staff will fail to engage with an action plan. Understandably, they don’t like being told what to do by an outsider.

I appreciate these concerns because I know how it feels to run a business. That’s why I provide the resources to make life easier — straightforward advice, a clear strategy and support while you initiate change.

After a lifetime of business experience, and more than 20 years as a consultant, I’ve experienced both the joy and pain of running a business. I’ve been there, had my fingers burnt and found the right way forward. You can use my scars to avoid getting any of your own.

My name is Paul Dallibar. If you’d like to find out more, call me on 07815 134 432. Or, to book a free no-obligation introductory session, click the button below.

Practical hands-on support

This is your business, and it’s important that you’re happy with how we work together. If you’d prefer to implement the strategy yourself, that’s fine.

However, if you need help, you won’t be alone. I’ll roll up my sleeves and work with you on the ground to embed the changes and make sure they work for everyone.

When everything is installed efficiently and your staff are happy, I will have done my job. I won’t stick around for any longer than necessary.

If you’d like to book a free no-obligation introductory session, call me on 07815 134 432 or click the button below.


You’ll probably have a few questions so I’ve answered some of them below. If your question isn’t there, please feel free to call me on 07815 134 432. I’d be happy to answer it.

What kind of businesses do you work with?

All kinds of business, both large and small. This includes not-for-profits such as charities.

Over the last 20 years, I’ve worked with start-ups and established businesses in a huge variety of sectors — from financial and legal services and to tech, manufacturing and creative industries.

Put simply, no matter the industry sector, I can help you.

Does it matter that you’re not an expert in my particular industry?

Not at all. In fact, it’s an advantage because as an outsider, I can quickly see issues which may not be obvious to an industry expert.

When you’re close to a business, it’s difficult to view it objectively. It’s my job to offer a fresh perspective.

I don’t need to be an expert in your industry. In my experience, no matter the sector, the key issues nearly always revolve around people.

Which services do you offer?

My services cover four key stages in business: 

  • Start-up consultancy if your enterprise is in its early stages 
  • Business development consultancy when want to grow an existing business 
  • Business exit strategy for control over when and how you move on

Transition coaching which helps you work through the feelings, concerns and choices you’re facing

Do you offer online consultancy?

Yes, I can deliver consultancy services online.

However, face-to-face consultancy generally works more effectively. When I’m there, seeing you in your working environment, it helps me get a proper feel for the business. It works both ways because we can build a proper relationship.

How long does the process take?

It’s up to you. Right from the start, we’ll discuss the timescale so that we’re both happy with how long the process will take.

I’m not the sort of business consultant who will stick around for the sake of it. Once the new strategy is bedded in, and everyone is happy with it, that’s my job done.

Will you tailor your services according to what I need?

Always. Each business is different, as are the individuals within it. What works for one business will not necessarily work for another, so my services are bespoke.

Do you deliver staff training?

Yes. If we’ve introduced new skills and processes, I’ll make sure everyone is fully trained and completely happy with implementing them. If there’s a change of role, I’ll help the individual make a smooth transition.

Training can include financial planning (for non-experts), communication skills, one-to-one performance coaching, leadership skills and several more that I don’t have space to mention.